Friday, February 19, 2016

A Breezy Day at Lincoln

Hello, friends!

One of the things that I have been convicted of recently is that I need to continue meeting new students at Lincoln. I have a few students who I know and we hang out when I'm in town on Wednesdays but our group hasn't grown much and isn't yet to the point of being really missional. I figure, the best way for me to do that is for me to meet new students and see if there are other missional Christians out there.

The problem is that I stick out like a sore thumb at Lincoln. I think I could probably count on one hand the number of Asian Americans I've seen on campus. I know it. The students know it. I really don't belong. So, I've been trying to rely on students introducing me to students. A student will say hi to someone they know and I'll immediately jump in and introduce myself. On Wednesday, I met a student named Steven (or Stephen) who seemed pretty cool. We didn't get to the point in the conversation where I found out much about his spiritual background before he had to go but it was still a new interaction.

But this story isn't about that.

Last night (Thursday) I was invited to speak on a panel put on by one of the other student groups about Racism and Reconciliation. I figured, well, if I'm going to be in town already, I may as well use it to my advantage! I decided that my best bet was to set up a proxe (IV's interactive evangelistic displays), and have conversations with students. I love proxes because they are definitely conversation starters and take the awkward out of approaching students.

My plan was simple: I'd get to campus, set up the proxe, share the Gospel with some students, invite them to the panel, do the panel, and head home. I had everything ready to go. There was only one missing detail... the wind.

Friends, it was WINDY yesterday! Gusts were somewhere in the 15-20mph range, which isn't the worst but is pretty bad when you're trying to tape pieces of paper to a frame made out of PVC pipe. Setup normally takes about 10 minutes but after about 20 minutes of fighting the wind, I decided to call it a day.

HOWEVER, the wind wasn't a total loss. Here's another thing that I learned about students at Lincoln. You may not look like them, but if they see you struggling to try and tape up a proxe to PVC pipe in high winds, someone is going to stop to help you. I didn't get to share the Gospel but I did me Darion and Nick when they stopped some of my stuff from flying away.  I got Darion's number and am hoping to hang out with them next week.

What's the moral of the story? I really have no idea. I'm sure there's something in there about God's ways being higher or something like that or the LORD working in mysterious ways. I'm not really sure. What I do know is that I would love your prayers as I learn more about Darion and hopefully his heart for mission.

Have an excellent day!


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