Friday, April 19, 2013

Two Great Opportunities!

Hello, friends! 

We are just a few weeks from the end of the year, which means we are just a few weeks from conference season. 

Normally, ACF sends all of its students to Catalyst, which is the Central Region's Spring Conference.  Students from Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Missouri all converge on the Lake of the Ozarks to spend a week praising Jesus together and learning about how "none live for themselves."  Our goals as staff are three-fold.  We want to equip our leaders to better lead their fellowships.  We want to celebrate the new life that we have seen in the region during the past year, and we want to give our non-Christian students a chance to explore Jesus a little more. 

Honestly, there are a lot of other things that happen too but those seem like the big ones to me.  =0). 

THIS year, ACFers actually have 2 different opportunities available to them.  Catalyst will still be happening, and it is going to be awesome.  However, the Missouri ISM Team has also opened up their International Getaway to the rest of the region, meaning there is another option for our ACFers. 

International Getaway is pretty awesome.  It is similar to Catalyst except not at all.  There is much less structure in order to spend more time building relationship.  It is slower paced so that folk have more time to talk and understand what is happening.  It is WAY more friendly to international students, especially non-Christians.  Pretty much, it is a great chance for international students to grow deeper in their relationships with Jesus.  Oh, and it's tons of fun. 

So, our ACFers actually have two options, which is pretty sweet.  Most of our students will be going to Catalyst.  However, a few of our students leaders who have been working with international students this year are working on getting a group together to go to international getaway together.

What I love about this is that we now have an opportunity to better serve our international students, especially our non-Christians who may not have a ton of experience with the Bible or Christianity.  In the past, our international students have survived Catalyst but it took a lot of debriefing and explanation.  We were happy to do this but I am looking forward to having an option where they will be able to thrive and not just survive. 

Either way, there are still ways that you can help!  I'm sure I've said it before but I think that money is a terrible reason why someone can't do something.  This is why I'm working on raising scholarship money for both Catalyst and International Getaway.  Both conferences cost about $250.

If you would like to give to our scholarship fund, you can do so by clicking here.  Honestly, any little bit helps. 

Prayer Points:
- This part of the season is when students go from being really tired to really stressed.  Please pray that God will give them rest as well as peace as they finish their classes. 
- We are also in the midst of shaping our leaders team for next year.  Please pray for wisdom as we begin to build the team. 
- The weather has been brutal here in Missouri, which means it has also been messing with my head.  Please pray for no more migranes and much healing. 

Have an excellent day! 


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