Friday, April 26, 2013

Kit Build!!!

Hello, friends! 

What a night we had on Wednesday at ACF Large Group!  Here are a few photos:

The first photo is of Jordan, one of our Seniors and one of the organizers of our Kit Build, teaching the group about what we were doing and why we were doing it.  The second photo is a look at the supplies that we eventually assembled. 

Our plan was simple: Let's partner with World Vision to build 50 medical kits that we can then send to Swaziland to help caregivers take care of entire villages that have been ravaged by AIDS. 

What that actually entailed was a little more complicated than that.  It meant having multiple bake sales, taking an offering, and calling a few friends to raise $1100 to pay for the supplies.  It meant inviting our friends from other student orgs to participate with us.  It meant having to coordinate with World Vision to make sure that the supplies were dropped off and picked up in time. 

Here's the best part of it all.  The students did it, and they did it well!  Jordan and Rachel organized the whole thing and absolutely nailed it.  We raised the $1100 with a few extra dollars to spare.  We had nearly 60 people in attendance, our biggest group of the year.  Jordan did a great job teaching.  Rachel handled the logistics.  It was a team effort all around and I couldn't be prouder. 

Friends, isn't it beautiful when students come together to do something beyond themselves and as an act to heal the world?  This is what we do in InterVarsity.  We not only strive to see students and faculty transformed and campuses renewed, but also to see world changers developed. 

Have an excellent day! 


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