Friday, October 6, 2023

Back to Class!!!

Hello, friends! 

I'll start with what everyone really wants to see, photos of my kids! Here they are at the start of the school year: 

Why am I starting this post with photos of my kids from a few months ago? Because yesterday was MY first day of school and frankly, no one wants to see photos of me when you can see photos of my kids! =0). 

Over the course of the past year, I noticed that there were parts of my job that were going well but other parts where I definitely needed to grow and develop to get to the next level of effectiveness. One of those areas was in Project Management. I actually spend a lot of time managing projects within the Region and these projects have had various levels of effectiveness. I wanted to up my game a bit, so I enrolled in a Project Management Course at the University of Nebraska - Omaha (#GoMavs). 

The course is mostly online but there are a few on campus days, including yesterday and today. Yesterday was my first day back in a classroom in a LONG time and friends, I have no problem telling you that it was awesome! 

I tell people all the time that one of my greatest regrets from my college days was that I wasn't a good enough student. There's an old saying that in college, your options are get good grades, have a social life, or get enough sleep and you only get to pick 2 of the 3. I definitely had a social life and got enough sleep... It wasn't until after graduation (#GoBears!) that I learned how much I love to actually learn things. I really enjoy figuring out how things work and getting to the bottom of questions. I think it's helped me in my job and in more recently, in my preaching. 

Friends, it's only been one day but I'm already learning so much about Project Management. There's always a cross between excitement and dread when you learn something new but also realize that you've been doing something wrong for a long time. Still, I'll take the good with the bad. 

Day 2 of class is right now as you're reading this, so I'm probably sitting in the classroom with my notebook open, a pen in my hand, and a question on my lips. Learning new stuff is awesome! =0). 

Have an excellent day! 


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