Friday, April 30, 2021

Happy Birthday, Mama!!!

Hello, friends!

On Sunday, my wonderful mother will be turning (static, static, static) years old! I can't be in California for the festivities but that doesn't mean I can't dote on her virtually!

Mama Leong is one special lady. Not only did she birth and raise 4 kids and have 3 of them turn out pretty well, for a really solid .750 batting average (just kidding, we're all great!) but she's also been "mom" to literally dozens of other people, offering a pastoral word to wherever needs it. She has a special knack for connecting with women who don't have a mother figure state-side. It's something I didn't always appreciate growing up, but very much appreciate now.

Of course, Mama Leong isn't just a mother but also an Ama. I've always known my mom to be generous but once the grandchildren came along, things went up to a whole new level. I'm not saying she tries to spoil my kids. I'm just saying that I've gotten more than one phone call asking if she can buy my kids things they obviously don't need but said they wanted at some point. (Note: regardless of what my answer is, she usually buys it anyway)

So, here's to a wonderful mom, Ama, and woman! Happiest of birthdays and sorry I can't be there with you to celebrate. When you visited, Megan took most of the photos so this is the only one I have on my phone. I think it captures who you are pretty well. =0).

Have an excellent day!


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