Thursday, January 28, 2021

Story Central is Live!

Hello, friends!

My biggest project since I took on the role of Regional Ministry Coordinator has been moving our Region towards a more team oriented and communal model. It's been a long process but we are starting to see some of the fruit of that labor. 

One of the biggest lessons that I've learned is that in order for the Region to take on a team mentality, it helps to actually feel like a team. Since we're on a bunch of campuses all over the Midwest, we actually don't see each other all that often. Only twice a year do we actually all come together as a whole team. 

When we do get together, the one thing that really helps us feel united is when we get to hear stories from one another about all the great things that God is doing in our little corner of the Region. It's so inspiring to hear how God is working on other campuses. It's also encouraging to hear that our fellow co-laborers are encountering some of the same obstacles and barriers that we are. 

So, in an effort to give us more space to hear more stories, one of my co-workers and I have started a podcast! Story Central will be a (hopefully) weekly interview podcast where I will be interviewing staff, faculty, students, and even some ministry partners so they can share stories about how God is moving in their neck of the woods. 

Friends, I would love for you to also hear these stories. God is doing some amazing things in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. You only get to hear a snippet of what's happening and I want you to get a fuller picture!

Here's how to subscribe on Spotify or on Apple Podcasts. If you don't use either of those services, we'll be getting on more platforms soon so I'll post when those are up and running. 

Also, feel free to share these podcasts with your friends and networks! We'd love to have as many people as possible hearing about the wonderful things happening in the Central Region. 

Have an excellent day! 


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