Friday, January 15, 2021

My word for my Year of 36...

Hello, friends!

Thanks to everyone for the great birthday wishes. I really had a wonderful day yesterday. I had a great day of work. I spent the afternoon eating a bunch of free food, the kids and Megan got me a board game that was tons of fun to play with the whole family, dinner was delicious (beef noodle soup, my favorite!), and at night Megan and I got to play an escape room board game I got for Christmas (we didn't win...).

Instead of New Year's Resolutions, for the past decade or so, I've that on my birthday, I would make my year the year of "something." In the past it's been "The year of go big or go home" or "The year of simplifying." Funnily enough, I actually forgot to pick a word for last year, so feel free to blame me for everything that happened in 2020. =0). 

My "something" for my year of 36 is going to be "The year of balance." Specifically, I'm using a definition that an old supervisor gave me years ago that "Balance is not giving each thing equal time; it is giving each thing the time that it deserves." 

Here's the fun part about that definition of balance. In order for me to know how much time each thing deserves, I need to practice hearing from the Holy Spirit. If I leave things up to my own devices, it's going to be really easy to either just do whatever I want or be paralyzed by the fear of making the "wrong decision." I want this year to be a year where I listen to the guiding of the Holy Spirit more and then move confidently forward in the things I'm doing, giving each thing the time that it deserves. 

What will that mean for this year? Well, I can imagine it'll mean a re-allocation of time in some ways. My hope is that my work time will continue to be life giving and efficient. I hope that my time with family will be plentiful and meaningful. I hope that my time in community will be life giving. As much as I'd love to plan out my hours, I also know that this year will require me to be a little more fluid with my time. Who knows, I may even get some more sleep! Whatever this year of 36 brings, I'm looking forward to pursuing balance and seeing how God moves. 

Have an exccellent day!


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