Thursday, September 7, 2017

Wayback Wednesday...

Hello, friends!

This is my 11th year with InterVarsity. During that time I've held a number of different roles and positions. My current role is Associate Area Director for Missouri and I'm also the Director of the Asian American Ministries Pilot Project. What that means is that I spend more of my time supervising staff than I do hanging out with students. Still, I'm not totally out of the game because I'm planting chapters and Lincoln University and Columbia College, as well as staffing the Nurses Christian Fellowship chapter at Mizzou. What this means is that on occasion, you get really long days like the one I had yesterday. Let's break it down, shall we?

6am - Get up to get ready for the day. This included a morning run for reasons that will become apparent later.
7:15am - Load up the car for the day.
7:30am - Meet with one of the staff I supervise to help her prep for a sermon she's preaching at her church on Sunday.
9am - Head to the local brewery to pick up the ROOT BEER keg for an event we're going to have on campus at Lincoln. (Gotta run in the morning to eat ice cream in the afternoon!)
9:30am - Go to the grocery story to get the dry ice and ice cream for the Lincoln event.
9:45am - Drive to Lincoln in Jefferson City, about 30 miles south of CoMO.
10:15am - Stop at a gas station to get a bag of ice because I forgot I need to keep the keg cold.
10:30am - Set up shop on campus, getting ready to give away root beer floats and do Gospel presentations,
10:50am - The first wave of students come and we start giving away floats and the Gospel.
12:30pm - We see the Lincoln kitchen staff start to set up by our spot because apparently there's a pep rally for Lincoln's first night game on Saturday.
1:15pm - We decide to pack up an hour early so as to not interfere with the pep rally.
2:00pm - I grab some lunch before bible study at 3.
2:50pm - I get stuck in traffic on my way back to campus.
3:15pm - I get to our bible study space and no one is there... whoops.
3:45pm - Pick up a few things for Megan and go to the grocery store to get more ice cream since we still have half a keg left.
5pm - Go home to see my wife and kids.
6pm - Pack up the car to deliver food that Meg cooked, as well as the keg and ice cream to ACF's first large group. I'll be staying to help out our intern who runs ACF.
6:45pm - Realize I forgot the projector and head home to grab it.
9pm - Large Group ends and cleanup begins.
9:30pm - Head to the local brewery to drop off the (now empty) keg.
10:00pm - Head to the grocery story (open 24 hours!) to return the unopened ice cream we didn't use.
10:30pm - Head home and get ready for bed.

Friends, I haven't thrown down a day like that in years. Literally, years. One the one hand, it was absolutely exhausting. On the other hand, it was fun to see that I've still got a few gallons left in the tank. I certainly won't be expecting to this every week but it was nice to know I still could. Sometimes the good LORD smiles on you and gives you an extra dose of energy. Thanks, Jesus.

Have an excellent day!


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