Thursday, September 14, 2017

The joys of not having to work...

Hello, friends!

I like to tell the staff I supervise that one of the really unique parts of our job is that we are actively trying to make ourselves obsolete. If we've done our jobs correctly, students are the ones taking ownership of the chapter and we serve more as support staff than the leaders of everything. In reality, this is much easier said than done but every now and then we get little glimpses of how that could actually look.

Hey Day is Columbia College's student activity fair. For 90 minutes, most of Columbia College's 850 residential students walk through the gym while literally dozens of organizations, student groups, banks, etc. give away free gear and try to drum up interest. With free food, music playing, and constant movement, it is beautiful chaos.

Columbia College's InterVarsity chapter is currently in "replant" mode, which means we are working on reestablishing ourselves as a student org and getting some structure going. We currently have 2 students actively involved so I figured that Hey Day would be a great way for us to reintroduce ourselves to the campus. However, with only 2 students, one of whom is a Freshman I just met a few weeks ago, I figured that I'd be doing most of the heavy lifting for Hey Day.

There's nothing quite as satisfying as being proved wrong for the kingdom. =0).

When I got there, I was the first one of our crew there and I didn't know if/when our students would arrive. Meg said she had a free hour and I figured it couldn't hurt to have a second person to table with me, especially someone who is a great gatherer like Megan. But, before she got there, our students showed up and then they got to work.

Friends, it was so much fun seeing these two students greeting their classmates, casting vision for InterVarsity, inviting them to our bible study, and getting contact information. They were absolutely crushing it. In fact, they were doing such a good job that by the time Meg arrived, she saw that everything was under control and left right away because she saw she wasn't needed. I actually got a little bored because before I could even say hi to any students, these two had already greeted them, invited them over to the table, and started talking. I'm never going to complain about that kind of boredom.

As you're reading this, we will have finished up our first CCIV bible study of the year. I don't know how many of the 25+ students we met will be there but I'm excited nonetheless to know that whoever comes will have come because of a student invitation.

Have an excellent day!


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