Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring Break Relived

Hello, friends! 

I know I'm two weeks late but it's better late than never, right?  Since we got back from City Lights things have been a whirlwind around these parts.  My plan is to post more in the next few days about all the great things that have happened since the last time we talked.  We'll start with Spring Break.  =0). 

If you need a recap, you can read about our Spring Break plan here.  To say that it was a transformative experience for both the students and me would be a bit of an understatement.  Here are a few ways that I saw God move:

- The little things matter.  I spent most of my week working with some students at a church in the city called Bridge of Hope.  Their mantra is "what does the community need?"  They have a school room for folk to study for their GED's, a shower for homeless folk, a bike room so kids can fix their rides, and a tool shed so folk can borrow tools as needed.  None of our jobs were particularly hard: we made copies, repaired some ceiling tiles, painted a little, fixed their wifi, sorted some tools, and things like that.  Still, I couldn't get over how much of a blessing Steve and Robin (the pastor and his wife) of the church thought it was.  Things like a straight ceiling and wifi are things we take for granted but they can be a huge blessing to others. 

- Healing is a real thing.  Even just inside the Mizzou group we saw some real healing start to happen.  One student recommitted her life to Jesus and another came to terms with some deep rooted racism that had been in his life from a very young age.  I love that when we take the time to really be in the presence of God, he comes through with all sorts of healing that we didn't even know we needed!  Isn't God grand? 

- I don't have to be in charge.  This year was the first year since my intern year in 2008 that I was at City Lights but not directing the project on some level.  I'll be honest, the first few days were hard.  I was used to being in charge and calling the shots or at least having a heightened sense of responsibility during the project.  Not this year.  This year I was just one of the staff.  After the initial shock of not having the project on my shoulders, it was actually freeing.  I enjoyed getting to go to bed early instead of shutting down the building.  I enjoyed getting up at 6:15 like everyone else instead of 5:30 to set up for the morning.  I enjoyed having time for the Mizzou students instead of trying to take care of everyone.  It was nice. 

There are many more stories that I could share about City Lights but I think I'll leave that to the students.  Just know that it was a great time and thanks to everyone who was praying for us while we were on the project.

Have an excellent day! 


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