Thursday, September 21, 2023


Hello, friends!

There is an ongoing debate in the world if sports about whether or not "momentum" is a thing or not. Does hitting 2 shots in a row make it more likely that you'll hit the third one? (Apparently so!) If your team scores a late equalizer, do your opponents suddenly tighten up, making it more likely you'll score again? (It certainly happens!)

Whether or not sports momentum is a thing, I firmly believe that ministry momentum is a thing. One good event or Bible study isn't a guarantee that things will go great for the rest of the year but it does make things more likely, as students are encouraged by seeing their friends show up and get connected. I'm the same way, one bad event won't kill the year but it does take a lot of work to make sure students stay encouraged and committed.

Over the past few weeks, we've had a lot of great momentum builders here in Nebraska. It's been such a joy to see students encouraged and ministry moving forward. A few highlights:

- Bellevue University had their kickoff last Tuesday and 11 students from 4 different athletics teams showed up. Our student leaders were definitely encouraged.
- Over at UNO, one of our student leaders recruited 2 more students to lead a basketball and faith small group.
- In Hastings, the Student Life department connected a student who wanted to lead a Bible study on campus to our InterVarsity student and they had 9 students come to their first Bible study of the year.
- In Lincoln, after the Bible study leader stepped down to focus on studies late in the summer, a graduate student hopped in to start leading and the group is meeting regularly.

Of course, no momentum lasts forever. Even though campus work isn't my primary job anymore, I'm still trying to keep up the momentum through encouragement and communication. It's fun seeing groups thrive and students be encouraged.

Please continue to pray for the InterVarsity groups in Nebraska, especially that the momentum of these past few weeks will continue through the year.

Have an excellent day!


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