Thursday, June 15, 2023

ACE Time!

Hello, friends! 

This month, I'm leading a project for our Region called ACE, or the Alumni Closing Extravaganza! The tl;dr is that we have $20k in matching grants available for any alumni who set up recurring gifts to any of the campus accounts in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri by next Friday. Praise the LORD, we've already raised over $10,000 of our match. It's also been a joy getting to connect and reconnect with InterVarsity alum from all over the place! 

Friends, ACE has been a LOT of work. In order to cast as wide a net as possible, each of our staff has a list of 20-40 alumni (depending on if they're full time or part time) they are contacting. Since everything is happening in such a tight window, our staff are contacting each alumni 2-4 times each of these weeks too. I've sent so many text messages that I'm pretty sure Google Voice suspended my account... =0). 

And yet, we've seen some really cool things happen! A lot of our staff have reconnected with alumni with whom they haven't spoken in years. It's been so great to hear about how our former students are doing and the impact that InterVarsity had on their lives. It's been such a blessing to see that students are continuing to follow Jesus and that they want to continue to see InterVarsity happen on their campuses. 

So, want to be apart of our ACE?! If you are and alumni of a school in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, or Nebraska and want to be a part of seeing the Gospel go to every corner of your campus, click here to search for your campus and please do let me know if you decide to give! 

If you're not an alum in the Central Region but still want to give, that's totally cool too. You can also tag friends or family who are alum to let them know about this great opportunity. 

Either way, would you be praying for us? Pray that alumni would be responsive, that staff would be filled with strength, and that our campuses would be blessed by the work we're doing now. 

Have an excellent day! 


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