Thursday, September 10, 2020

Final Sprint Numbers!

Hello, friends! 

We're 2 months past June 30, when we finished our Region-wide MPD Sprint but now it's OFFICIALLY OVER. What changed? Well, during the month of June, we set out to make a lot of invitations to partnership, whether it be through Giving, Advocating, Partnering, or Serving. The truth is that oftentimes, folk need some time to make decisions, which we are totally cool with. Knowing that, the hope was that our staff team would spend the months of July and August "closing asks," which means getting a confirmation of a "yes" or "no" to the invitation to partner. 

Praise the LORD, we had ourselves quite a Sprint! Here are our final numbers:

- Asks: 875 (Goal 750)

- Yeses to partnership: 467

- New pledges: $260,000+

Praise the LORD for his provision! 

The piece of this that I'm most proud of is our Full Jars Initiative that we implemented for this Sprint. Our theme passage for the Sprint was out of 2Kings 4. When Elisha was helping a widow who's husband had just died, he told her to go ask her neighbors for all the jars they could spare. Then, God filled those jars with oil so she could sell them and make enough money to live. It's an amazing story that highlights our need for interdependence and God as provider. 

In response to this passage, we decided that every staff, regardless of how much was actually pledged to them, would get a minimum "Full Jar" amount. This was our way of trying to address some of the iniquities that come from our funding model. We had just about $260,000 in pledges for the 35 staff who participated in the Sprint, meaning that the average amount was $7500. For the Full Jars initiative, that means that every staff who received below $7500 in pledges will get a grant to make up the difference. Those who received more than $7500 in pledges will keep all their pledges. 

Friends, while this isn't perfect, I am really proud and excited about our Full Jars. The staff team worked so hard and we saw God come through in amazing ways during our Sprint. I'm proud to be a part of this team and honored to be in the role I am. 

Sprint complete, for real this time! 

Have an excellent day!


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