Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Reformation Day!!!

Hello, friends!

Today, all over the United States, children (and adults) are getting dressed up in costumes, candy is being distributed, ghosts, goblins, vampires, superheros, and the like. There will be parties and there will be fun... That's right, it's Reformation Day!

500 years ago today, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg Church in Germany, sparking what would be known as the Protestant Reformation and a split from the Catholic Church. Regardless of what you think of, Protestantism, Catholicism, Reformed Theology, Arminianism, or Christianity in general, it's hard to argue with the fact that the Reformation was kind of a big deal and that those 95 theses changed the world in a profound way.

Martin Luther is an interesting guy. If you read biographies about him, you can see a man who was deeply dedicated to God and someone who dearly loved the Church. At the same time, he had some very anti-Semitic writings and ideas that should not be tolerated. I suppose, just like all of us, he was a flawed man. I doubt that Luther knew what he was started when he nailed his theses to that door. My guess is that he was just looking for change to a power system that was exploiting the poor and disadvantaged. In many ways, I can see parallels Luther's plight and what is happening today in the United States.

I am decidedly not Reformed in my theology but I can appreciated Reformed Theology for what it does and how it sees the world and salvation. On the main points of the Gospel, the Reformed and I do not disagree. I believe we are broken people who live in a broken world and are powerless to fix either of those things by our own actions. I believe in the power of God's grace (undeserved favor) that changes our hearts and draws us to Himself. This kind of faith is very freeing.

So, friends, as you celebrate your Reformation Day by passing out candy, dressing up, and going to parties, remember this. Jesus loves you and wants you to know that. You don't have to "fix" yourself. Let God do the heavy lifting and be free.

Have an excellent day!


PS: If you're reading this and aren't a follower of Jesus but are interested in learning more, you should totally message me! I'd love to talk more. =0).

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