Friday, June 24, 2016

Prayer Walking Columbia College

Hello, friends!

It's been in the low to mid-90's around here in CoMO for the past few weeks or so, which has changed a lot of things considerably. Ezra normally loves walks but since it's too hot to go outside, Meg has been taking him on early morning walks and he and I have been doing laps around our living room (which he really enjoys, oddly enough). I've been trying to run more this summer but sweating my face off in 90 means getting up (or at least trying to get up) at 5am to knock out a few miles.

However, it's never too hot for a prayer walk. =0).

Just a few days ago, I took on Columbia College as an added campus for the next year. Columbia College IV is already a group but next year I'll be having a more hands on approach. CCIV is very near and dear to my heart as it is the first Mid-MO chapter to break out of the Mizzou bubble.

Since I'm relatively new to the campus, I thought it would be a good idea to spend a little time praying over the campus, listening to see what God might say in terms of my work there. Here are a few highlights from that time.

"Fall in love with the campus." One of the first things that an older staff told me when I joined staff 9+ years ago was that to make it in this game, you have to buy in 100% to the campus you're staffing. I took that to heart when I moved to CoMO, following Mizzou sports, buying the gear, and getting myself up to speed on all the rivalries and quirks that make Mizzou what it is. When I started doing work at Lincoln, I did the same thing, learning all about the Blue Tigers. Now it's time to see what Cougar Country is all about.

"There's more than meets the eye." A favorite story of mine from my time in ministry is that one of the last things I did as a student before joining staff was to take a prayer walk around WashU's campus (Go Bears!). It took about an hour or so but it was a really good time. When I first moved to CoMO, I decided to try to do the same thing at Mizzou. It took me 6 different prayer walks before I could cover the whole thing. =0). When I prayer walked Columbia College, I got around the campus in 18 minutes. Still, it was actually a lot bigger than I'd remembered it. Everyone sees the big buildings but it does actually go further back than I thought. I think it was God reminding me that there are unseen corners of the campus, places where students are who need to hear the Gospel. I'm excited to see where those places are.

"I've always been here." As I was walking, it was hard to not start planning. I'm someone who loves coming up with ideas and strategies. I also love analysis so I started going back and forth in my own mind about what may or may not work. About halfway through the walk, I was reminded that my job is not to save the campus. It is to see where God is moving and join him in that work. I honestly don't know what kind of structure this thing is going to take or what students I'll meet from where. I just know that he's always been there and will continue to be there.

One last thought that's unrelated to anything about campus work. My cousin-in-law just had a heart transplant last night/this morning. He's doing well now but this is the critical time where we find out if his body accepts the heart. If you have a moment, keep Dakota in your prayers.

Have an excellent day!


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