Friday, September 11, 2015

Changing Diapers, Changing Roles

Hello, friends!

When Megan and I first started doing ministry together in Columbia, it took us a while to find a system that worked. When we were both working with ACF, we found that while we did good work, it was hard to talk about what was happening on campus without switching from Husband/Wife mode to Coworker mode. On the one hand, it was great that we could contextualize all of our conversations really well since we both knew the fellowship. On the other hand, it was hard to have a real date when a lot of conversations turned into troubleshooting sessions.

The next year, Megan began planting ICF and a we developed a completely different dynamic, one that worked quite well. We now had the same job but different spheres of influence. In many ways, things went back to when we were dating; we could talk about work but it was in more of a "how was your day" kind of mode. Of course, there was the added benefit that we could actually help out one another when needed because we were actually living in the same city. This dynamic has been great.

My role in ICF the past few semesters has been one of logistics. I've been the guy in the background doing all the stuff that no one notices so that Megan can connect with students and have conversations that aren't constantly being interrupted by "hold on, I have to go take care of this." It's a role that I enjoy, not just because it means I'm doing something useful, but also because every now and then I get to stop and watch Megan in action, which is a site to behold. I tell you, she is REALLY good at her job. =0).

Friends, tonight the role changes just a little bit. Megan got off of maternity leave this week and tonight is ICF's first Dinner and Discovery (D&D), which is dinner and a bible study for students. D&D is a great place for Christian students to learn how to serve and lead, for non-Christian students to learn about Jesus, and for everyone to join together in community. When I helped at D&D (which wasn't every time) my role was usually jack of all trades. I was giving rides, setting up audio/visual equipment, making copies and things like that. Tonight my role is decidedly different... child care.

D&D will be on campus, which means Meg will be on campus and I'll be having a "boy's night" with RaRa. Who knows what we'll do tonight but I'm sure of two things: I'm in charge of at least one feeding and a few diaper changes.

I've taken care of RaRa by myself a few different times before and nothing has ever gone wrong. This one just feels a little different because it's for work and this will probably be a regular occurance. I'm excited for some time with my man though, that's for sure.

So, friends, if you remember, please pray for our family tonight. Pray for us boys as we hang out and bond like a father and son should. Also, please pray for Meg that she'll be fully present and that big things will happen tonight.

Have an excellent day!


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