Sunday, January 26, 2014

Here's to Jean...

Hello, friends! 

Last Thursday we had our Monthly Area Staff Meeting, which is a time for all the staff in Missouri to come together and get a little collaborative business done.  This meeting was special because it was the first meeting since the Missouri staff team and the Missouri International Student Ministry team decided to merge into one staff team.  (We are currently working on a name.  The front-runner is MO Fast MO Furious.)

Thursday was the beginning of something new but it was also the end of an era.  It was Thursday that we officially said goodbye to longtime friend and co-worker, Jean Morales. 

Jean was blessed with 2 beautiful twin boys a few months ago and after a time of discernment and prayer, decided that her calling in this season of her life was to being a mother.  Thus, after 10 years of being on staff with InterVarsity, Jean is stepping down and moving to a new exciting stage of life. 

When I first met Jean I was a freshman and she was an intern at WashU ACF.  The next year, I stepped into leadership with ACF and she was my staff.  During my time as a student, we actually fought a lot.  I have no problem saying it was almost certainly my fault; I was a prideful young buck who was certain that he knew how to do ministry the "right way."  I'm glad that Jean showed me the grace that she did and didn't kick me off the team. 

Since then, I have been honored to call Jean not just my staff, but also my supervisor for a year as well as my friend.  She has grown me as a staff as well as a man of God.  She encouraged my gifts when I was doubting them and wasn't afraid to challenge me to grow.  I am sure that I wouldn't be the staff I am today if it wasn't for her guidance and leadership. 

So, my dear friend, this one is for you.  Thank you for 10 years of faithful service.  I am honored to have walked alongside you for the past 6+.  Blessings on you as you enter this new and exciting stage of life.  Blessings on your family as you and Cris raise Caleb and Theo. 

Have an excellent day!


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