Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I'm Sorry...

Hello, friends! 

The past few nights I have had a lot of trouble sleeping.  Normally, it takes me a bit to fall asleep but things have taken much longer since Saturday night.  What happened on Saturday night?  Well, on Saturday, a jury found George Zimmerman not guilty of second degree murder and manslaughter of Trayvon Martin.  Since then, I've been thinking about the verdict and various implications, not just on me, but on my community as well.  Each night I have been kicking around a different question in my mind and trying to make everything clear. 

Originally, my plan was to post my thoughts about each of the questions that I had been kicking around each night but as I began to type, it felt like another long post that bordered on blabbering was probably not helpful to the conversation.  So, instead, I am going to do what feels right in my heart to do: Say I am sorry. 

To the Martin family, I am sorry.  You lost your son and probably feel like you have lost out on justice as well.  A court of law and a jury of your peers decided that the man who shot and killed your son did not undeniably do so out of evil intent and malice.  That sucks. 

To my African American friends, I am sorry.  From the people who I have spoken to, this was not just a murder trial.  This was about community and family.  From the people who I have spoken to, this verdict was not just a miscarriage of justice, it was another kick in the gut, another reminder to you that the system isn't fair and that you will always be considered second class citizens.  I don't know if that sentiment is true or not, but the feelings are real and I am sorry you are experiencing this right now. 

To my students, I am sorry.  I wish I had a good answer on what the Christian response, or the Asian American response is supposed to be in this situation.  Everything that I have come up with has sounded hallow and trite.  Bits about being "bridge builders" and "trusting in God's judgment over the judgment of man" don't seem to cut it at this point.  I want to point you in a good direction on this one but I'm not sure of what that direction is.  The best I can tell you is to care about this.  Care about this because it is important. 


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