Friday, July 28, 2017

Summer Biking...

Hello, friends!

When Meg and I got married, there were a number of changes to both of our lives. For me, gone were the days of bachelor life. I started eating better, the house had a sense of style, and I was going to bed earlier. For the most part, I'd say every change in my life because of Megan has been a positive one.

One change that has been a little harder to adjust to is that I'm biking less. Well, maybe that's not true. It's that I'm biking in fewer environments. When I was young(er), single, and generally without responsibilities, I'd bike whenever I wanted to get around. It didn't matter if it was dark, raining, or even snowing; I would just change my speed and my route, and be on my way. However, Megan would rather I not be a reckless knucklehead and leave Ezra and Thaliea without a father, so I've stopped biking in the wet and in the dark.

Don't get me wrong, these are definitely intelligent changes and all said and done, I know they're the right call. What I've noticed though is that in the almost 5 years that we've been married (and the 2+ years that we've been parents), I've adopted the mentality that if it's dry, I'm biking. For the most part, during the summer, it's pretty dry. It's also RIDICULOUSLY hot...

As someone who does commuter biking (that is, biking to get places, not just for pleasure), there are certain supplies that I always make sure I have. I'll always have my helmet, my quick tire change kid, my keys to lock up my bike, and my water because no matter the weather, hydration is a good idea. However, during SUMMER biking, we add a change of clothes and a pack of baby wipes to the list of essentials. There's nothing quite like biking around town all day going from meeting to meeting, then showing up to your last meeting looking like you just got out of the pool. However, a quick shirt change, a quick face wash with a baby wipe, and a few deep breaths, and no one is the wiser. Well, who am I kidding, they probably know. =0).

Is there a moral to this story? Almost certainly not. It was more just an observation that I'm much more willing to bike in the heat now than in my youth because I want to take every opportunity I can to hit the road. Who knows when it'll get wet or dark.

Have an excellent day!


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Wedding Time!!!

Hello, friends!

It's about a week after the fact, and I would have posted this last week had it not been Ezra's Birthday, but congrats to my brother Phuzz and his new bride Ann as they got married last week! This was actually the first wedding since my own where I was a part of the bridal party and a LOT has changed since then. Here are a few thoughts in multimedia form...

Being Best Man is hard work! It's one thing to attend a wedding. It's another thing to be a part of the wedding as a scripture reader or something like that. Even being a groomsmen is it's own beast. This was my first (and probably only) time being a best man and it was tough! There was the bachelor party to plan (good times had by all). There was the best man speech to write (not bad, overall). There was making sure I don't lose the rings and hand them over at the right time (nailed it). Making things especially tough on the bachelor party front was the fact that I was in Missouri while everything would be happening in California. All in all though, it was a ton of fun and I was glad to do something for my brother.

Family runs deep! To the right is a photo of my sibs and me with our new sister/wife Ann. She's great and I'm super excited for her to be a part of the family. It's a pretty big family too. Family took up about 1/2 of the groom's side during the ceremony, which was pretty funny to see from the front. It was even funnier when you consider some of the loud personalities that are a part of my family. I've been doing reunions like this for what seems like my entire life. Either it's a wedding, a funeral, or a significant birthday. Either way, I know that when you get the various factions of the Ling family (My grandmother's maiden name) and throw in a few Lo's (Mama's maiden name), you're going to have a pretty loud and fun time.

Family weddings are getting harder! I don't mean this in a personal or relational sense. I mean it purely logistically. You know what you aren't seeing here? You aren't seeing a photo of Meg, Ezra, Thaliea, and me. Do you know why? Because I'm not sure we took one? Why not? Because there was no time to do it. Between me running around doing Best Man stuff, Ezra running around like a crazy person (or a 2 year old), Thaliea needing to eat pretty often, and Meg trying to keep track of everyone (what an all-star!), frivolous things like family photos were low on the priority list. =0). Thankfully, family was a huge help. Multiple cousins were there to keep Ezra from running into traffic. Countless aunts and uncles were ready to hold Thaliea during the reception. It was a family affair for sure.

My son my actually be a dancing machine! According to the schedule, I wasn't actually supposed to give my Best Man speech until 8:30, which was about 30 minutes past Ezra's bedtime. I told Phuzz there's a chance I'd have to say my thing then jet right away to help put him to bed. At around 8:15, Meg and I decided that he was doing OK so we'd let Ezra stay up for the dance party. That was either the best or worst decision we made of the night. =0). As you can see from the video, the boy would not stop moving the entire dance party. He was clapping, jumping, spinning, and running the entire time. You can see me have to cut the video short because I have to chase him a bit. Needless to say,  he slept well that night.

So, congrats to my brother Phuzz, his new bride Ann, and to the Leong family for a new addition. My little sister is officially on the clock... =0).

Have an excellent day!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Happy Birthday, Ezra!

Hello, friends!

Greetings from beautiful Southern California! I'm here with the fam not just because my brother got married on Sunday (congrats, Phuzz!) but also because we wanted to celebrate Ezra's birthday in California with lots of family. =0).

We had us a mighty fine Elmo themed party for him yesterday and he really enjoyed playing with the water balloons. As my gift, here's the birthday song I wrote for him. =0).

Have an excellent day!
