Friday, November 22, 2013

Address Book Update Time!

Thankfulness, Giving, and updated address books... =0). 

Hello, friends!  Right now we are getting ready to send our Christmas cards and definitely want to send it to the correct address.

If you could take a second to click the link below and fill out your information, it would be much appreciated!  There are also some other questions about how we can best communicate with you and ways to get to know you better.

Thank you all so much for your love and support.  God has been doing wonderful things here in Columbia and your partnership has made it possible.

Have an excellent day!

~Megan and Adam

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy (International) Thanksgiving!

Hello, friends!

I just wanted to post a few photos from our International Thanksgiving luncheon we had on Saturday.  It was a really great time and for many of the students, it was their first time having a "traditional" Thanksgiving.  Here are a few highlights:

- We somehow managed to fit 35 people into our house!
- Besides the 2 turkeys and a thing of stuffing, all the food was donated by people from the community, especially our church small group.  Megan did a great job of coordinating everything.
- Three of our student leaders joined us and they did a wonderful job of engaging in conversation.
- One woman from our church not only joined us but also shared with the group about the first Thanksgiving and after the event, expressed interest in volunteering more!

Overall, I'd say it was a smashing success.  Enjoy some pictures!

Have an excellent day!


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hooray for Students Partnering with Ministry Partners!

Drumroll Please...

Students Gave $631 Wednesday!

As soon we posted the idea on Facebook, the news went viral - 16 people shared the  status to get the word out that ACF would hold a fundraiser and donations would be matched! In God's sovereignty, we had already planned to make Filipino food this week with Gina, a Filipino freshman so when we decided to do the fundraiser, all the plans began to fall into place. As students poured in we invited them to participate & take action through giving... they responded not only through giving, but through prayer as well. 
  • Back to Gina - Gina helped cook the food for over 50 people. By the end of the night she was in tears... she even left that way. When I asked her if something was wrong she said "I am just so touched." 
  • The Filipino American Student Association members showed up and had the goal of raising $200 tonight. In just 2 short hours the students tripled it. With the matches so far we already have raised  $1,648!
  • Later a Filipino American student posted "Deep stuff from Mr. Adam J Leong tonight! #reflecting
  • Deeper trust was built with FASA community and Mizzou as a whole.
If you are still interested in matching up to a certain amount or matching the entire $631, there is still time to do so! Just click on the link below. If you chose to match, could you also let us know so we can share with students?

Again, thanks so much for your prayers and partnership. Praying that God is meeting you in this season of Thanksgiving!
~Adam and Megan Leong
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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Leaders Leading Leaders!!!

Hello, friends! 

I was talking to another campus minister from another group a yesterday at lunch and we were talking about how things have been going for both of us in terms of ministry this semester.  It was interesting to me as I was talking to him how we were both measuring "success" not in terms of who was showing up, but how our leaders were doing at taking initiative and leading.  In many ways, that is the ultimate goal of any campus ministry: to build up the next generation of leaders in the kingdom. 

One thing that Megan and I love to do is not just build up leaders of students, but students who can be leaders of leaders.  It's one thing for a student to lead members of our fellowship in small groups and Large Group and stuff like that.  It's a whole different level when leaders are leading teams of other leaders so that they can then lead members.  (Should I draw a graph?  =0).) 

Let's take the past week of ministry as an example.  On Tuesday, we had one of our leaders do the training at our Leaders Meeting.  Last night, one of our leaders designed and led a lock-in for our leaders.  Tonight, three of our leaders are going to be leading an "Open House" for students who want to be serving in ACF next semester. 

When leaders lead leaders (in leading!) it's a beautiful thing for a number of reasons.  For one, it is a great way to develop leaders.  It's one thing to lead folk and something else to lead your peers.  On another level, it gives Megan and I a great sense of who has staff potential.  Being on staff with InterVarsity is all about leading leaders.  Those who have a head start now are probably going to be better at it by graduation.  One last thing is that when leaders lead leaders it gives Megan and me more time to do other things, like scout new campuses and coach our interns and volunteers well.  Pretty much, it's a win for everyone. 

So, friends.  Please be praying for our leaders, Danny, Colter, Sarah Liz, Rachael, April, Tim, Willin, Melody, Vincent, Jen, Elaine, Grace, and Josephine, as they lead, not just the fellowship, but also one another. 

Have an excellent day! 


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Everybody's Working for the Weekend!

Hello, friends! 

As I am writing this to you, my lovely wife Megan is sitting at the desk across the room, putting the finishing touches on a training we will be leading this afternoon for our staff team, right before she meets with a student to prepare another training that the student is leading on Tuesday.  As soon as I am done with this blog post, I will be working on the bible study that I will be leading for the staff team training this afternoon.  Yesterday was day full of prepping for meetings, trying to get a hold of students, and Megan supported some students who were performing at Mizzou's India Night while I stayed home to get some more admin done.  This may seem like a terrible and busy way to spend the weekend but I'd say it is fairly typical for us. 

One thing I've learned in my 6+ years on this job is that everyone does it a little bit differently.  Some are more pastoral.  Others are more business like.  Some are great at gathering while others are vision casters.  Some love doing admin while others excel at raising funds or planting.  No one staff is the same and we all have different strengths and weaknesses.

However, it seems like no matter what staff I meet who are working in the field, we all have one thing in common: working weekends is never out of the question and almost assumed. 

When you think about it, it makes sense.  Students are free because you don't have to worry about them being in class (except for the occasional lab at WashU).  They just finished a hard week of work and are up for a little social time, even if that means time with their staff.  There are football games, dinners, performances, and other things that you can attend to build relationships and meet new students (or train your current students).  If nothing else, it's a great chance to catch up on all the admin that you didn't get done because you were with students.  Some over-achievers even use the time to prepare for the week ahead!  =0). 

Personally, Megan and I Sabbath on Mondays and Tuesday and Wednesday are our heaviest days of the week, so Saturday and Sunday are prime days to get things done and set up the week well.  Without working on the weekends, we'd be stuck scrambling even more than it feels like we already do now.  While the rest of the world enjoys their time off, we are getting ready for ours. 

So, my friends, as you are enjoying your weekend today (or next weekend), remember us and be praying for us.  It's not an ideal situation but one that requires us to rely more on the power of Jesus.  Pray that Saturday and Sunday will be times where we are not just getting stuff done but meeting Jesus where he is and depending on him as we do work for his kingdom. 

Have an excellent day! 
