Hello, friends!
Guess what today is! It is Meg and my anniversary! One year ago today, I was a nervous wreck, praying that I wouldn't throw up or forget the chords to the song that I was going to play at our wedding. One year ago today, Meg and I started on a crazy adventure that I don't think either of us truly anticipated. One year ago today, I made one of the best decisions of my life, second only to my decision to follow Jesus. One year ago today was kind of a big deal, eh? =0).
As I look back at this past year, I am so thankful for Meg. Words cannot describe how much I love and appreciate her. I may not show it all the time but I am so thankful that we get to spend the rest of our lives together. She has inspired me to be a better husband, a better staff, a better man, and a better follower of Jesus. She has dealt with my selfishness, my pride, my corny jokes, and my various quirks. She is an incredible cook, an incredible co-laborer, an incredible wife and an incredible woman.
Last night, I asked Meg what her favorite memory from the past year was. We both had a hard time thinking of one that was not related to our honeymoon, which seemed a little like cheating. =0). Thinking about it now, I don't know if I have a single favorite but I do have an event that I love whenever it happens. We'll be sitting on the couch watching a movie or something and it will hit me that the gorgeous and wonderful woman sitting next to me is my wife. That moment is my favorite.
I won't lie to you amends diary that it has been all rainbows and butterflies the entire time. Over thing I have learned is that marriage is hard work. It takes a lot of communication and humility, two attributes that do not come naturally to me. There have been some rough spots but the good has definitely outweighed the bad.
I could keep typing but it would probably start to get a little uncomfortable so i think I will stop here. My prayer, and hopefully UI ours too, is that I will be able to show Meg how much I love her every day, and not just a blog post once a year.
Have an excellent day!