Sunday, November 1, 2015

When It Rains, It Pours...


I'll start with a disclaimer. There is NEVER a good time to have racial tension on campus. In a redeemed world, we would all live in harmony and peace with one another. However, the truth is that we live in a broken world and every now and then, tensions boil over and stuff needs to be addressed. That's what's been happening in Columbia these past few weeks.

That being said, from the standpoint of the Leong house, the timing was especially bad. Here's what's been going on in our lives for the past few days.

Last Thursday: We drive to St. Louis so we can attend staff meetings Friday

Last Friday:
- Staff meetings in Southern Illinois
- We actually leave these meetings early because my older sister T and her family are going to be flying into Kansas City and driving to Columbia to visit us for the weekend
- When we get home, we see that our basement has flooded because the sump pump unhinged

Last Saturday: Good day with the family, including some quality time with my brother-in-law, tearing up carpet

Last Sunday: Another good day with the family. My aunt and her family come in from St. Louis so we could all do dinner together. Many photos are taken and laughs had. All the while, Meg and I are trying to stay fully present while still keeping up to date on what's happening on campus.

Last Monday: President Wolfe resigns, a rally is held, and I'm actually on my way to Memphis for a conference so I can't participate in what's happening. Added to that, Meg texts me and says that Ezra has pink eye to go along with a cold.

Tuesday: I'm still in Memphis, Ezra is still sick, the black students are threatened with violence, and the campus is in a state of min-panic.

Wednesday: Wednesday was a long day...

Thursday: After already having worked 40 hours in the past 3 days, I take the day to be with Ezra while Meg goes on campus to engage with students and help them process.

Friday: Friday a group of prospective staff come into town to learn more about InterVaristy and particularly Mizzou. As we prepare the house to host these folk, I realize that our sump pump has completely failed and I need to buy and reinstall a new one.

Saturday: Saturday is not only another day with prospective staff but also ICF's International Thanksgiving. Roughly 80 international students and community members came together for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Members of our church provided the food and taught a little bit about the history of Thanksgiving. It was a pretty spectacular time.

Sunday: Meg goes to the clinic and is diagnosed with strep throat.

So, that's been us. Even without everything going on at Mizzou, it would have been a crazy week. Even without everything going on at home, it would have been a crazy week. Thank God, he is our sustainer.

Have an excellent day!



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