Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hard Conversations...

Hello, friends!

Friends, here's the deal: sometimes people disagree. Sometimes we have different opinions on things. Sometimes stuff is said and emotions get involved. When race, racism, privilege, and justice get involved, then things get even harder.

This past week has been a week of really hard conversations. There have been conversations with students who have been the victims of racism and who don't understand how anyone can deny its existence. There have been conversations with students who don't know what their role is supposed to be in all of this and are searching for guidance and answers. There have been conversations with member of the community who don't understand why there are protests and are mad at the protesters for messing up the status quo. All of these conversations have been hard and very draining, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically in some ways.

I'm not an expert on all things related to justice or protests. No one on our staff team is an expert. But we are people who love Jesus and believe that he has the answers that we need. Our job is to do our best to point people towards him and have faith that he will deliver in a really powerful way.

Thanks have calmed down here but that doesn't mean that the conversations are anywhere close to being over. Please pray for us as we engage in these conversations. Pray that we will represent Christ well and that through these conversations, others will see a little more of him too.

Have an excellent day!



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