Sunday, November 1, 2015

What InterVarsity's Done in Columbia

Hello, friends!

There are so many different articles that have already been written about what has already gone down in Columbia that rehashing those events probably wouldn't actually be very helpful. What I want to do instead is focus on what we as an InterVarsity staff team have done this past week, to give you a little glimpse into our lives. Our staff team includes 3 paid staff, 1 intern, and a handful of some of the most caring and dedicated volunteers you will ever meet. It has always been an honor to work alongside these men and women but especially this past week.

Monday: Megan led a staff team meeting so our staff team (most of whom are ethnic minorities) could process together and pray about how we wanted to engage with the campus. By her account, it was a really humbling time as staff shared stories about their encounters with prejudice and racism in Columbia and as the team prayed about how to proceed well. Unfortunately, I wasn't there, but I'm so glad to have a great partner in life and in staff like Megan.

Tuesday: ACF and ICF held a joint meeting to process, pray, and visit the tent city that had been set up on campus to offer to pray for and process with the students who were staying there. (Note: This effort was short lived because the threats of violence against Black students happened Tuesday night and the tent city was cleared out for safety reasons). Ezra was sick so Megan stayed home but Matti, our ACF lead volunteer led the time.

Wednesday: Wednesday was a day... I have a special post about Wednesday all by itself.

Thursday: Columbia College students gathered to process what had been happening at Mizzou. Charis, the Columbia College staff is working with administrators to have a race dialogue on campus after the Thanksgiving Break. Also, at Mizzou, Meg led ACF and ICF students in an interactive display, giving Mizzou students an opportunity to process what they're feeling about what's been happening on campus.

In some ways, it doesn't feel like much. We've prayed for some folk, helped a few folk process, and bought a few meals. On the other hand, it's been such a blessing to see students be blessed. This is why we do the work that we do. These are hard weeks but these are also the weeks where we really get to see God move in powerful ways in us and through us. 

Have an excellent day!



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