Friday, May 1, 2015

The Last Goodbye...

Hello, friends!

I knew that May 6 was going to be my very last ACF Wednesday. The students had planned a study party followed by watching Jurassic Park on campus. I had a ton of admin to do so I was going to go and work with them for a while before bowing out when they left for the movie. It wasn’t going to be anything grandiose but it was going to be a chance for me to say goodbye to ACF Wednesdays, something that had been a part of my calendar for the past 8 years.

Then I got the text.

The details aren’t important but the gist of it was that I was being asked to not come on Wednesday. They had everything covered and there were legitimately good circumstances that warranted me not being there. If I could come early and help set up that would be great but once things got going, my presence was not necessary.

What do you do when you get a text like that? Me? Well, I jumped for joy and thanked God for giving me one final reminder that He was going to take care of ACF. See, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to go on Wednesday night. I would have loved to have been there. Not turning off the lights one last time on an ACF Wednesday was a loss for sure. But the joy was real and it was even greater. The joy was because the students were now in full control. They analyzed the situation and made the decision that they could handle things without me there. For 8 years I’d been trying to take myself out of the middle and it finally happened. I couldn’t be happier.

I believe that InterVarsity Staff is one of the few vocations where your job is to make yourself obsolete. You are constantly trying to build up students to do more and greater things than you could do if it was just you.

I may not have done everything right in my time with ACF. In fact, I screwed up plenty. I know I’m going to screw up at Lincoln too. It comes with the territory. But, I also know that I said I would stop doing this job only when I knew I wasn’t effective and wasn’t having fun. I’m still having a blast and May 6 was a reminder that I still get things right from time to time.

Have an excellent day!


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