Thursday, May 28, 2015

International Getaway!!!

Hello, friends!

I hope you've been enjoying my trip down memory lane. Here's a post from Megan about her time at International Getaway a few weeks back. Enjoy!

Getaway Update: Learning Dependence

The International Getaway is always a highlight of the year for me. During the school year, students have limited time, which can make it difficult to take things to a deeper level. This isn’t true at the getaway. The camp is situated at the Lake of the Ozarks where there is limited internet and phone connection and best of all – no homework or research. Students show more of their personalities than they do all year. It is in this context that they are able to consider more deeply, who is Jesus? Why should He matter to me?

            Most years I am in charge of hospitality (which I love). This year however I wanted to take on something that I could sit around more (due to the pregnancy) and invest more deeply in students. My job was to  help prepare the Bible study portion and train the student leaders. They came in a bit nervous and anxious about leading a small group for the first time. But by the end of the week, they were energized at the way that God could use them.

            I know I said I wouldn’t do hospitality so I could rest more. Old habits die hard however and I still ended up running around just as much as a would have previously. Everyone was so nice and wanting me to slow down, but the prideful & independent woman that I can tend to be – kept saying I am fine! By day 3 my legs hurt so bad I could barely walk. I spent the rest of the time driving to the meals and asking people to do stuff for me. It was a humbling time. I didn’t think much of the humbling process until this yesterday, a week later, when I was at home sick. I couldn’t help but wonder if the Lord may be teaching me the discipline of dependence on Him and a willingness to be humble.

What else happened at the Getaway? This year we had lots of new Muslim friends join us which added a lot to our group. As with every year, students made giant leaps towards Jesus. Please continue to pray for them as it can be easy to forget what you learn once a conference ends. Pray that they will continue to seek and find Jesus. Also pray for the student leaders to lead a Bible Study on their campus in the Fall.

Have an excellent day!

~Adam (and Megan)

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