Friday, May 1, 2015

7am Breakfast Meetings

Hello, friends!

Here’s a fun fact for you: I am not a morning person. I’m just not. I don’t know if it’s genetics, behavioral patterns, or what, but the morning and I don’t get along so well. Why I decided that breakfast meetings were a good idea early in my staff career is completely beyond me.

My first years out here I learned how ill equipped I was to actually do my job. I’d spent my undergrad hanging out with dudes and gals who liked to play football. Emotions and such weren’t really my thing, unless you counted randomly hugging strangers after the Cardinals won the World Series in 2006. So, of course, God surrounded me with mostly female students those first few years. Female students with emotions…

The cycle usually went something like this: I would do or say something insensitive. A female student would be offended by it and ask to chat. We would decide on a 7am breakfast. We would meet and I would try to defend myself but not do it well since it was too early for me to be thinking straight. Things would be “resolved” but not really. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Looking back, I am so thankful for those first female students. They showed me much grace and kept ACF afloat. They also made me a better staff. Eventually, I got more experience being pastoral. I do a better job of keeping my mouth shut and listening more. I strive for understanding as much as I do being right. I also don’t schedule anything before 9am. =0).

Have an excellent day!


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