Tuesday, February 26, 2013

When it Snows...

Hello, friends! 

Happy Tuesday to you.  For all my friends in Kansas and the middle of Missouri, I hope y'all are staying warm and dry.  To my friends in the Northeast, the same goes for you.  For my friends in California, I hope y'all aren't getting sunburned.  =0). 

Today, as I was driving in the drizzle/snow/wintery mix, I thought about how seemingly unfair it is that certain parts of the country would get hit with two major snowstorms so quickly.  On Thursday, Kansas got hit pretty hard.  Yesterday, they got even more, even before they were able to dig themselves out of the last one.  Just a few weeks ago, the New York/New England got slammed by Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy AND Storm Q (or was it Rocky?).  Either way, it seems pretty rough, doesn't it? 

As I was thinking about that, I got to thinking about my own mentality when things go wrong in life.  There are times when it feels like everything is going wrong.  When something doesn't quite the way I want it to go, it takes me time before I can be ready to look at things objectively.  If anything else happens during my "everything is going wrong" window, it only compounds the sense that it is pouring on me. 

What is the truth though?  The truth is that even in the midst of all the "bad" stuff that is happening in life, God is still very, VERY good to me and He is, by nature, perfect goodness.  There is no working around that fact.

For the past year or so, I have started each morning by writing down all the ways that I saw God's goodness the previous day.  As I go back and read my old entries, I am struck my how absolutely wonderful God has been to me. 

Of course, there are still unfortunate things that happen.  There are easier weeks and harder weeks, but I have noticed that when I take the time to look back at the ways that God has been good to me, the blizzards actually look more like drizzles. 

Have an excellent day! 


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