Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hello, friends! 

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is a really special day for me.  Not only will it be my first time doing a joint talk for ACF Large Group, but my partner in crime will be none other than my partner in life, Meg! 

Here's the scoop.  Every year, right around this time, ACF does a Large Group that centers around "Sex and Dating."  We have done all sorts of things including talks about sex, panels about being in a relationship, and all sorts of stuff in between.  It just so happens that Meg and her supervisor are coming out to visit tomorrow, so it made perfect sense for us to tag team and do a talk for ACF. 


Our talk is going to be centering around our journey towards marriage and the biblical truths that we drew from that experience.  Honestly, it has been a blast partnering with Meg to do this talk for a number of reasons. 

It's been really fun to see the same event from a new set of eyes.  I know my side of the story of how I pursued Meg but her side has been super interesting too!  I've heard some of the stories already, actually, all of them, but as we've worked on this talk, I have been able to share with her what was must significant for me and I have been able to hear what was most significant for her. 

Another thing that has been really fun has been working together.  Meg and I are two very different people, and that includes how we prep our talks.  Oddly enough, we prepare our talks the opposite of our personalities.  I am a very careful planner who loves schedules and plans but when I write my talks, I only use an outline and like to improvise.  Meg is much more of a free spirit but when she writes her talks she goes word for word.  Neither is right or wrong, I just think it's fun.  =0). 

So, friends, please be praying for us from 7-9pm Central Time.  Please pray that our communication will be smooth and that the students will hear what we have to say. 

Have an excellent day! 


1 comment:

  1. The only problem with that is that I do plan them out word for word, but then I usually change them on the spot as the Spirit leads. You are forewarned :)
