Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hello, friends! 

In honor of SuperBowl Sunday, here comes a SUPER LATE post about a really SUPER LARGE GROUP. 

Friends, what can I say about Large Group except that it was exceptional?!  Honestly, there was no part of Large Group that I did not enjoy.  Here are some highlights:

- We had FIFTY people in attendance!  This was easily the largest Large Group we have ever had that wasn't some sort of special event.  I mean, it was the first Large Group of the year, making it kind of special, but still!  Our Kickoff last semester had 35 folk.  An extra 15 folk, including about 10+ new folk and 12+ International students is a pretty good day!  I am so proud of the student leaders for their commitment to invitation and follow up in that invitation. 

- We stayed UNDER BUDGET!  We do dinner every week for Large Group.  It's fun and a great way for folk to interact with one another, but it can also get a little expensive.  It's especially risky when you have students doing the cooking.  My friends, our master chef for the day, April, totally nailed it.  She fed 50 folk with food left over, for $30.  It.  Was.  Amazing.  =0). 

- I didn't have to do much.  Paula covered worship.  April cooked.  Jordan and Tim did the games.  Danny and Sarah Liz did most of the inviting.  All I had to do was give a quick intro to the history of ACF, which is pretty much like breathing to me.  I am so thankful that there are students who not only get the vision, but they OWN it and have made it their own.  It's a beautiful thing to see that the fellowship does not revolve around you. 

- It was FUN.  On top of the amazing song that Paula and Rachael wrote for us (video below), Tim and Jordan designed a really fun game for us to play and get to know each other.  Dinner was lively with all sorts of conversation.  The after party was full of folk hanging out and talking.  It was a high energy kind of night. 

These are the kinds of nights that really get you excited about doing ministry.  These are the nights where you thank God that you have the greatest job in the world.  These are the nights that remind you of God's goodness and make you want to keep doing this job forever. 

Prayer Points:
- Continued momentum.  This has the potential to be a big semester but it requires us keeping the pedal to the metal.  Please pray for renewed resolve and for energy for both staff and students. 
- Vision.  I want us to make sure we are moving in the right direction, not just wherever because we have folk coming.  We really need to rely on Jesus if this is going to be the start of something big. 
- Rest.  Part of that discernment is knowing when to rest.  Please pray that the students, as well as me, will rest in Jesus and not overwork ourselves, as we are known to do. 

Have an excellent day! 


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