Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Being Handy...

Hello, friends! 

Today, I had one a really great day.  Why?  Because I totally got to use my hands and be handy!  Here are the stories. 

Meg got a call this morning from one of her students who got a flat tire.  She doesn't know how to change a tire.  Her student didn't know how to change a tire.  BUT, I know how to change a tire!  So, I drove over to where the student was, changed the tire, scraped her knuckles while changing the tire, and went along my merry way.  Hooray!!! 

When I got to Columbia, I finished a project that I had been working on for our area.  We got a new proxe station but had no way to display it.  I was commissioned with creating a structure that could not only display that proxe, but any other proxe we get later.  $34, 70 feet of PVC pipe, and 40 feet of rope later, I finished what I consider a pretty sweet proxe stand. 

Understand, I am not the world's handiest person.  I am probably more like these guys than these guys but I can do the basic stuff.  I once had a friend tell me that I should have been an engineer because I seem to be able to design things.  Now, the designs don't always work but I sure do like designing and building things, as well as fixing. 

I think that there is something very therapeutic about being handy, especially in this line of work.  I spend every day investing in students and most of the time I have no idea if I am really making an impact or not.  Sometimes I think that a student totally gets it but it turns out they were just giving me lip service.  Other times I am certain that I totally blew it but God totally redeems the situation.  A lot of times, it just feels like complete randomness. 

Projects, on the other hand, are way more definitive.  There is a beginning.  There is an end.  I can look at that tire and say, "I completed that project" or look at the proxe station and say, "Yups, that is done now."  Sometimes, it's really nice to know that something is complete. 

Anyway, that's my fun story for today.  There was still a lot of stuff to do ministry wise, and I am working on it, but the projects were a nice reprise from the norm. 

Have an excellent day! 


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