Friday, September 18, 2020

Back to School (Part 6): Back in the Classroom?!

Hello, friends! 

Yesterday, while we were on a family walk, I got a text message from Omaha Pubic Schools (OPS) saying that I needed to check my email for an important announcement regarding a return to school for OPS students. We knew that the "all virtual" school was only guaranteed for the first quarter of school, so I figured that the email was about the decision for the second quarter. 

When I checked my email, I saw that OPS was going to be returning to the original "3/2" model that we were supposed to be doing for this year. Starting October 3, Ezra will be going to physically in school on Thursdays and Fridays, along with every other Wednesdays. On Mondays and Tuesdays, he'll have a check in with his class but then it'll be online assignments for the rest of the day. 

This decision has brought up a lot of different thoughts and emotions in me. 

- I'm glad that Ezra is going to be able to experience in person school and interact with other kids

- I'm a little nervous that Ezra is going to be interacting with other kids

- The days he is in school are going to free up Megan and me (especially Megan) because we won't also have to keep an ear out to make sure Ezra is paying attention in school

- The days he's NOT in school are going to be a little more chaotic (again, especially for Megan)

- We don't know how Thaliea is going to react to this either

So, as we take the next 2 weeks to prepare for a new transition, please continue to pray for us. We need wisdom, peace, and plenty of grace in the family. 

Have an excellent day! 


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