Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Back to School (Part 5): A Parent's Perspective

Hello, friends! 

Yesterday, I took a 15 minute nap. It wasn't intentional. I was laying down next to Thaliea because she needed a nap and just kind of dozed off for a bit. Normally, Thaliea can take naps by herself but yesterday she was pretty emotional and needed someone with her. All through lunch, she was sobbing, yelling, "I MISS MY BROTHER!" Spoiler alert, she wasn't talking about Jonah, who was next to her. =0). 

Virtual school has been interesting these past few weeks. I'd say that our three kids have taken to our current arrangement at different levels. 

Jonah: Jonah's great. He has no idea what's going on and that's OK. All he knows is being home with us, so that works out fine for him. 

Ezra: Ezra is enjoying kindergarten, even if his focus isn't great at times. The harder thing has been for us than it has been for him. We know that he's missing out on the best possible kindergarten experience but he doesn't know that. We need to remind ourselves that he's growing and doing just fine because for him, this is normal. Of course, we'd like it if he paid attention a little bit more but he's also 5, so what can reasonably be expected? We also plan on buying something for his teacher because that woman is working HARD and we can see it. =0). 

Thaliea: This has been the hardest on Thaliea. There are some days when she's fine. There are other days when she's crying because she misses her brother. There are still other days when she's crying because, "I WANT TO BE IN KINDERGARTEN!!!" Her world has definitely changed the most. When Ezra is downstairs in school, she has to be upstairs. She's lost her number one playmate and sometimes it's just her and the sitter. It's been a rough go for her, for sure. 

For Megan and me, we're making it work. Of course, we'd love it if Ezra was on campus and we could put Thaliea and Jonah in daycare so they'd be getting some socialization and more focused learning too but that's just not possible right now. We understand that and want to keep our family healthy above all else. 

So, that'w where we are right now. Overall, I'd say we're doing well, or as well as can be. If you're the praying type, please pray for Thaliea and that she'll be able to cope and adjust well to this new normal.

Have an excellent day! 


1 comment:

  1. Have you considered putting a webcam on Ezra so Thaliea can see him even though they're separated? Might be comforting to her.
