Tuesday, September 29, 2020

(At Least) 8 more years!!!

Hello, friends! 

Depending on when you read this, today may or may not be Megan and my anniversary! 8 years ago today, roughly between 2 and 3pm, Megan and I tied the knot and life has been a blast since then. Here's what happened in the past 8 years. 

- A trip to Jamaica

- Our very first apartment (Shout out to Lucas Hunt Village!)

- A move to CoMO

- Working together at Mizzou ACF

- Leading students on a global trip to Cambodia

- Having Ezra

- Having Thaliea

- Sabbatical

- Moving to Omaha

- Having Jonah

Of course, in between those times have been all the normal parts of marriage. There have been great dates and moments of laughter. There have been fights and reconciliations. There have been pounds gained and lost. It's been a heck of a ride and I couldn't be happier. 

When we were dating and when we first got married, a question that I got a lot was, "what is it that attracts you to Megan?" Back then, my standard answer was that I loved how generous and hospitable she is (along with being gorgeous and a great cook). Since then, my attraction has only grown and expanded. I grateful for how she's taught me to get into my emotions more. She's an amazing mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Every day, I'm learning something new from here. 

So, as I always like to say, here's to (at least) 8 more years! If every year of marriage, we can work on doubling it, I think we'll be OK. 

Have an excellent day! 


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