Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Hello, friends!

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of preaching at my church, Bridge Church, here in Omaha. This is my first time preaching at a church in a while and it was a lot of fun. Here's the video (I think you need to click the link to watch on Vimeo

NOTE: If you're wondering what that thing hanging off my shoulder is, I originally had a wireless microphone but it kept scraping up against my goatee, so they switched me to a handheld. I tried to take off the wireless but forgot that it went down the back of my shirt, so I just left it on my shoulder. Oops! =0).

Have an excellent day! 



  1. God Bless you, Adam! This is the best, most passionate preaching we've heard in a long time! We are blessed to know you as a friend!

  2. Adam, the word “gospel” means “good news,” referring to the sacrifice Jesus made for us so that we can be saved. As a result, this brings us peace. Our sin nature is what separates us from God and why we do not have peace with Him. Wish that was better explained. Then having our shoes fitted with the gospel of peace allows us to share this gospel of peace with others. This peace is Christ Himself. Peace between God and man. John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." Once we know this peace (aka, forgiveness of sin paid for by Christ and not by our own works) given by Christ by faith alone and by grace alone, we are equipped to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is a message of peace Christ offers between Himself and sinful man. This is the message that offends and what many preachers are reluctant to preach. People do not like hearing about Christ dying on a bloody Cross because of our sins. But this is the very truth we need that brings about the true peace we all need. The armor of God isn't given to us to primarily fight against social injustices. It is armor given to us to primarily share the Gospel Good News that Christ came down to die in order that we may have peace with God first! (Knowing the peace we have with God will help us then have peace with others.) And He rose again to life and conquered death in order to show us the hope and promise we have of eternal life. Again, it would have been good to bring that to the forefront in your message and not assume that all your listeners know this.

    1. Thanks for your input. I don't know who you are so I can't reply to you directly.
