Friday, March 13, 2020


Hello, friends!

Did you know that the first verse of the Beatles' Yellow Submarine is roughly 20 seconds? Why do I know this? Because, for the past few weeks, as I've actually taken a full 20 seconds to lather with soap when I was my hands (don't judge!), instead of singing Happy Birthday twice, for some reason, Yellow Submarine popped into my head. My theory is that the first verse of most pop songs is about 20 seconds but I haven't tested it out yet.

All silliness aside, dealing with the global pandemic known as COVID-19, has been a thing. In just the past 48 hours, a lot of changes have been made that directly alter our lives in significant ways. Here's a rundown:

- Omaha Public Schools have been cancelled. Since Ezra's preschool follows the lead of OPS, that means Ezra doesn't have any preschool for a bit.

- A number of campuses in the Central Region have suspended in person classes for the semester, meaning our staff are scrambling to figure out how to still do ministry when there's no place to meet. Virtual small groups will now be a thing. 

- InterVarsity National had cancelled all camps and end of the year gatherings through May 31, which means International Getaway, the conference Megan was directing at the end of May, has been cancelled and she's trying to figure out an alternative.

- That cancellation also means that the New Staff Training I would be running in Omaha in April and our Regional training at the end of May need to be re-imagined and probably done virtually.

- Ezra, Thaliea, and I are supposed to fly to California for my sister's wedding reception next Friday. We are currently monitoring the situation.

- All major sports leagues have been postponed, which affects me in the sense that I have a lot more free time since I'm not reading or watching my teams. =0). 

The phrase that Megan keeps saying over and over again is, "We live in crazy times." As I've been trying to process everything, I'm even a little stuck on what the right thing to pray is. Is it a lack of faith for me to not pray for complete and miraculous eradication? Is it selfish to pray for protection for my family because that's my number one concern? How does one pray regularly for the President (as I have tried to do since graduating high school) whole at the same time being so frustrated with the inadequate response from this administration? Ultimately, prayer has been a little scattered but we're making it work.

I don't know exactly what to pray for but I know that we should be praying. Pray for our students. Pray for our country. Pray for our world. Join me, best you can, and we'll see if we can't figure some of this out together.

Have an excellent day!


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