Thursday, March 19, 2020

Social Isolation...

Hello, friends!

On Tuesday, I went to the mailbox.

Wednesday, I went to the gas station.

Today, I'll bring in the trash cans from the curb. 

Social isolation is a thing...

Megan and I have had to make a number of adjustments since the country got put on lock down. Ezra's preschool was cancelled and we're not taking the kids into daycare, so everyone is spending a lot more time at home. Megan has done a great job of making a schedule so the kids are still learning and such. We both still have work to do so we're switching off watching the kids and working right now. Thankfully, InterVarsity has given all its employees extra paid "distress" days, which unfortunately, is not a luxury many workers have.

I've been mostly fine watching the kids. I've been mostly fine not working as much, especially since a number of my projects have been moved from physical to virtual. The hardest thing for me has been not being able to go outside.

Normally, while I'm working, I'm also traveling some. Especially on Wednesdays and Friday when I have meetings in various locations that are actually close to each other. I'll usually drive my car down to an open parking structure, then either bike or walk to all my meetings. It's good to get out into the fresh air and just be. Well, that's not an option right now. I'm hanging out in the office and later I'll go upstairs. It's a weird place to be right now.

After a few weeks, I'm sure that either things will be back to "normal" (or close to it), or I'll have gotten used to things as they are now. As an asthmatic, I really can't risk being in social places, and with Jonah recovering from RSV, even if I'm OK, I can't risk getting him sick. So, we'll stay isolated and make it work.

Have an excellent day!

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