Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Happy Anniversary!!!

Hello, friends!

Saturday will mark 6 years since I made the best decision of my life and married Meg. It's been one heck of a ride, with ups, downs, transitions, trials and triumphs. I couldn't imagine life without her and I'm so glad that I get to spend the rest my life with her.

To honor our 6 years together, I give you our lives, in 6 photos...

This is our garden. Well, honestly, it's Meg's garden. I have a little patch of soil where I grow some sunflower microgreens but the harvest you see below is all Meg's doing. In many ways, our marriage is about planting and growing stuff. We've planted ministries together, uprooted our family to put new roots down in Omaha, and seen our kids grow as well as our work with InterVarsity.

This is beef stew noodle soup, aka the greatest food known to man. Much like with gardening, I can do a little here or there but Meg is the real expert. Regardless of who's cooking though, our marriage has revolved around food in a lot of ways. We like trying out new recipes and eating delicious things. Here's to many more years of full stomachs.

These are our kids. We love our kids to death. Meg is a great mom and I at least try hard. =0). Seriously though, it's so great being married to a woman who genuinely loves her kids and wants to see them grow up to be a man and woman of God. We parent a little differently (ok, maybe a lot differently) but like we tell Ezra when he asks one of us for something after the other one already told him "no": Mommy and Daddy are on the same team. 

This is us hosting a dinner with students. To say that hosting is a part of our marital DNA would be like saying the St. Louis Cardinals are the best baseball team in the history of the world... Duh!!! Much like with parenting, Meg and I do it differently (read: she does it well and I try hard). We love having people over and love being able to serve folk by providing space for them to do whatever they need to do, whether it be sleep, eat, or just chill. 

This is our family. Well, it's Meg's parents from when they came to visit. One thing we both love is spending time with our families. Since we've moved to Omaha, we've probably crammed in 2-3 years' worth of visits to South Dakota into our time. We've also had my side of the family come out to visit too. A lot of nights throughout the week we're calling one family member or another for FaceTime or Google Hangout. It's so much fun being a part of a family that goes just beyond the 4 of us.

This is Ezra dancing. He's usually dancing. Thaliea spends a lot of time dancing. You'd better believe that Meg and I do our fair share of dancing too. I'm not saying that our house is Omaha Dance Party Central... I'm just saying that our house is Omaha Dance Party Central. I love being married to a woman who loves to have fun. It's way better than dancing with myself. 

BONUS PHOTO! I just really like this photo, that's all. Here's to (at least) 6 more years of marriage!!!

Have an excellent day!


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