Thursday, April 27, 2017

Penny Peddling... The Next Generation!

Hello, friends!

If you are new to this blog, you may not know that back in the day, I had another blog to go alongside this one, called Penny Peddling. I had purchased a bike and wanted to see how long it would take me to "make back" the money I spent on it via not having to pay for gas or parking. A few years, a few stolen bikes, and one kid later, I did eventually end up "in the black" but decided to retire that blog for the sake of time. I still ride and it's still awesome, I just don't write about it.

Honestly, I have no intention of starting the blog up again but what IS really exciting to me is that earlier this week, as part of a father-son outing, Ezra and I got matching bike helmets. Here's the photo.

Don't we look great?! In the summer of 2015, Ezra was first born, so of course I wasn't going to take him riding with me yet. In 2016, he wasn't quite one yet, so his neck control wasn't the greatest. He was still crawling and could just barely take a step or two.

THIS year though, Ezra is as rough and tumble as they come. He's nearly 2 and can run and jump with the best of them (so long as jumping doesn't require having both feet leave the ground at the same time). With Baby #2 on the way, I figured it'd be a good idea to get him a helmet so we can go riding when Meg needs a break. I'll be doing the heavy lifting (or pedaling) and he'll be riding in the trailer. 

We bought the helmets (it was his choice to have the yellow ones) and on Monday he went for his first trailer ride. I was concentrating on the road but Meg said that he had a mesmerized look on his face. He was definitely a fan.

My hope is that Ezra will become as big of a fan of biking as I am. I love the efficiency of the bicycle and the feeling of the wind on my face as I'm riding. I love being able to travel where cars can't tread. I love not having to pay for parking downtown. Here's hoping that Ezra and I can enjoy some of those joys together. 

So, if you're around CoMO this summer and you see a father and son in matching bike helmets, there's a good chance that it's Ezra and me. Make sure to wave... and give us plenty of space. =0). 

Have an excellent day!


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