Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Final Preparations!!!

Hello, friends!

Any day now, Meg and I will welcome our second child into the world. Meg's due date isn't until Star Wars Day (May 4) but we have a feeling our daughter will be coming early. Because of that, we are in full on nesting mode, trying to get everything ready before she arrives and everything gets all sorts of crazy.

Honestly, I needed until the turn of the calendar to April before it really felt like this birth thing was going to happen. When Meg was pregnant with Ezra, someone told me that women feel like mothers as soon as they find out they are pregnant. Men, on the other hand, don't feel like fathers until they actually see and hold their babies. I know that was mostly true with Ezra. I knew in my head that I was a father before he was born but it didn't really hit me until after he was actually out and in my arms. Because of this phenomenon, I'm a little late to the nesting game. Meg has been preparing for months; I'm not getting around to my part. It's led to a few reflections.

Like I've said in a previous post, Meg and I definitely nest differently. When she came up with the list of things that need to be done before our daughter is born, I didn't understand why a lot of the things were on the list. Once explained, they made a lot of sense though. In my mind, I said, "we have enough money to pay for the birth, the bills are paid so we won't have to worry about having the utilities shut off, and we're going to be recycling the birth plan we used for Ezra. We have plenty of clothes and we'll be buying diapers soon. We're ready for this baby!" How very wrong I was. =0).

Can I also say that nesting for your second kid is WAY harder than nesting for your first? You'd think in some ways it was easier. You already have some sense of what you need to get and you already have a lot of it from the last kid. But there was one thing I hadn't taken into account... Ezra.

Understand, I love my little boy to death. I would do anything for him and spending time with him is always the highlight of my day. Still, that doesn't change the fact that he is exhausting and actually not all that helpful in terms of nesting and getting the house ready for the baby. Instead of just focusing on the tasks at hand, we also have to make sure that the little guy doesn't run into the street or jump off the couch. It makes for some interesting adventures in multi-tasking. There's some stuff we just can't do while he's awake, so we have less time to do stuff too. Of course, he's totally worth it, but it does make things harder.

So, friends, if you have a moment in these next two weeks, please be praying for us as we make these final preparations. We are working on relying on Jesus in the midst of these preparations, while also trying to get as much stuff done as we can. Also, if you live in CoMO and want to watch our kid (or clean our house!) for a few hours, we wouldn't automatically turn you down. =0).

Have an excellent day!


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