Saturday, January 10, 2015

A New Semester!

Hello, friends!

It's time, it's time, it's time! After a month of break, we are just a few days away from the beginning of a new semester awaits! Today I met with the ACF staff team, and friends, I am excited about the new semester and all the cool things that God is going to do. I can already tell you, it's going to be sweet.

Of course, Mizzou ACF isn't the only thing that's happening this semester. This semester is also going to see us continue the work that we're already doing at Mizzou ICF (Megan) and Columbia College (Charis). But wait, there's more! This semester I'm going to be scouting a few new areas of Mizzou as well as a new campus in Mid-Missouri. We've got all sorts of fun stuff happening and it all starts Monday with Mizzou's International Student Orientation.

Friends, please be praying for our team as we make the final preparations for the beginning of the semester. Here are a few specifics:

- Like I said, Megan is going to be helping at the International Student Orientation on Monday and Tuesday. Please pray that God will connect her with students both Christian and non-Christian.

- ACF is going to have its pre-semester retreat on Friday and Saturday of next week. Please pray for our Core students and that God will meet them where they are as the new semester gets underway.

- The harvest is plentiful and the workers are increasing! We have a few potential new hires as volunteers and interns. Please pray for both us and the applicants as we try to discern what God may have for them.

- There is still much work to be done on the fundraising department too. We still have about $10,000 left to raise in order for us to end the year "in the black." Please pray that as the semester gets under way, we will not neglect this part of our job as well.

Have an excellent day!


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