Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer ACF!

Hello, friends! 

This past month or so as I've been seeing students around Columbia, one theme has jumped out... everyone is bored. 

Students are here in Columbia for a number of different reasons.  Some are here because they actually live here.  Others are taking classes.  Some have internships or jobs.  Whatever the case may be, most of them have more time on their hands than they know how to use.  Folks are looking for stuff to do and it breaks my heart. 

Normally, that void is filled by Summer ACF but this year it appears as though that won't be happening. 

Summer ACF is one of those things that never NEEDED to happen but somehow always did.  My personal ministry philosophy is that Summer programming is something that should be left to the students to organize and execute.  This is for a number of reasons.  One is that it can be fairly intensive to plan and during the Summer I am usually already working with a full plate.  That is especially true this summer given that we'll be in Cambodia in a few weeks. 

Another reason I like to leave it up to students is because it tells me a lot about the students who are going to be a part of the fellowship next year.  Summer ACF is a great way for students to step into places that they wouldn't normally go in terms of leading or even showing up.  Last year one of our students did an amazing job of organizing an entire Summer's worth of service projects.  The year before Summer ACF served as an onramp for a student who eventually came on to be a leader.  Not planning something is a great way to see who steps into the void. 

It appears as though this year the void will exist.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Asking students to lead something that they aren't comfortable leading is a great way to lead to burnout.  We have lots of students in Columbia this summer but few leaders.  Sometimes this stuff happens. 

But, there's still something we can do.  Please be praying for the students who are here in Columbia.  Pray that they will be pursuing community and pursuing Jesus in the midst of the Summer lull.  Pray that God will be preparing their hearts to receive once the school year starts again.  And, please pray that God will move in the students to step into places of faith and risk. 

Have an excellent day! 


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