Saturday, June 7, 2014

Final Countdown!

Hello, friends! 

In just about 4 weeks, Megan and I will be leading a team of 7 students on our way to Cambodia for a missions trip.  Time certainly flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? 

There is still plenty to do in the time between now and then.  Not only do we have Cambodia stuff to do but we also have lots of other things to take care of.  Semesters need to be planned, family will be in town, and it would probably be a good idea for sleep to happen at some point. 

One question that I've been asked a fair amount these past few days when I've told everyone about all the stuff that needs to be done is, "is there anyway I can help"?  Normally, I tell them that there really isn't anything they can do since a lot of it is just planning that needs to get done by Megan or me.  But, as I was praying this morning, it dawned on me.  There IS something that you can do. 


Seriously, today I was definitely convicted that I need to be asking folk to intercede on behalf of the team more because without God working on this project, it's going to go nowhere.  Here are a few ways you can be praying for us. 

- Megan's passport is still being processed.  That needs to come in before we leave or she won't be joining us on the trip. 
- We have started the lesson planning for the English camp we are going to be leading.  Please pray for us as we prepare to teach the Cambodian students in a way that will be effective and helpful.
- Thus far, our team has raised about $13,000 of the $30,000 that we need to raise in order to pay for the trip.  Please pray that God will continue to show us favor as we pursue more financial partnership from friends and family.  (If you'd like to be a part of Team Cambodia, you can do so by clicking the link here.) 

- Lately we've had a fair number of what can only be described as spiritual attacks on the students who will be going with us on the trip.  Please pray that God will protect us as we prepare for to leave.
- Pray for the Cambodian students who we will be interacting with while we are there.  Pray that God will be preparing their hearts even before we meet. 
- Pray for the student movement in Cambodia.  Pray that our time there will lead to a student movement being established in the country. 

Friends, our work would be nothing if it wasn't for your prayers.  Thank you for partnering with us by interceding on our behalf. 

Have an excellent day! 


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