Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Sweetness of Sabbath

Hello, friends! 

My freshman year I was at a Fall Conference and the speaker talked to us about Sabbath.  I don't remember everything that he said about it, but I remember being convicted and deciding at that point that I would regularly take Sabbath seriously.  Since then, I have seen my Sabbaths go through a number of different phases but I have done what I could to keep Sabbath being a part of my life. 

This year I have found myself looking forward to my Sabbath in a way that I haven't in quite some time.  I think that with the added responsibilities that I have undertaken this year, including trying to plant in a cross cultural situation, getting regular rest is now more important than ever. 

I have often had conversations with different folk about the need for Sabbath and whether or not we as Christians are commanded by God to take them.  I won't go into too much detail, but I absolutely believe that God commands the Sabbath in the Old Testament (in fact, it's one of the 10 Commandments), and Jesus and Paul both affirm the need for a Sabbath rest for God's people.  I have seen firsthand the beautiful benefits of taking a regular day of rest and I encourage my students to do the same.  We live in a society that asks us to constantly be working.  I do not believe that God asks us to do that.  I believe that God knows what is good for us and wants us to spend a day in sweet fellowship with Him. 

Saturday is my normal Sabbath this semester but it occasionally I switch it up.  Different folk will argue about whether or not Sabbath needs to be on Saturday or Sunday.  My personal thought is that more important than which day you are resting is that you are doing it.  Rest is a good thing.  Get it when you can.

Have an excellent day! 


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