Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Meet Our New Car!!!

Hello, friends! 

A few months ago, when our Prius finally bit the dust, we knew it would just be a matter of time before we were going to need a new car. During the Summer, an electric bike will get you most places but once the weather turns around here, biking isn't really a safe option. 

So, for the past few weeks, we've been doing a lot of research, trying to find a car that will suit our needs. We wanted something that didn't have too much wear and tear on it and was within our price range. The van is still going to be our primary car, so we didn't need anything too big or too fancy. For a bit, we were looking at getting an electric car but the range isn't quite what we needed for used electric cars at this point. 

Finally, we settled on this one! Meet the newest member of the family, our 2015 Honda Fit. I've been a fan of the Fit for quite some time now. We almost bought one instead of the Prius back in the day. Our new (to us) Fit is definitely more zippy than the Prius and is more fun to drive. It doesn't have quite the same cargo space as the Prius but we're pretty sure we can still make it work. 

All in all, I'm happy with what we have. The process was relatively painless (so much paperwork!) and now we have the peace of mind that if we need to divide and conquer with the kids, we can make it happen. I still plan on biking and taking the bus as much as possible but it's nice to know that we have options. 

Have an excellent day! 


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