Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Power of Prayer

Hello, friends! 

Last week, I posted about how tired I was on a number of different levels. There was a lot of stuff going on, and there still is a lot happening, and it was definitely a tough week. 

Friday night, the older kids had trouble falling asleep and Megan and I were up talking about the week, so we didn't get to bed until late. I went to bed really pretty exhausted. 

Jonah didn't sleep great that night, so it wasn't the best night of sleep. Still, when I woke up, I was really energized. I didn't snooze my alarm. I hopped right out of bed and got ready for the day. I hung out with Jesus, exercised, and even practiced a little Mandarin. When the kids got up, I made them breakfast and was part of a call that my church was doing for the men in the church. It was astounding how great I felt. 

Then I thought about it. It shouldn't be so astounding. When I last checked Facebook before falling asleep on Friday night, there were about a dozen or so friends who said they would be praying for me. That's definitely more interaction that I usually get on these blog posts, and it appears as though I got about twice the number of page views that I normally get, so it's safe to assume that there were more than just that dozen folk praying for me Friday into Saturday. 

Prayer is a powerful thing. 

I shouldn't be surprised by that. There are so many other times in my life when prayers have been answered. We make it a point to teach the kids that God answers prayers, particularly when we ask Him to heal various ouchies. It's nothing new.

And yet, it's still so good when I remember it. 

So, dear friends, if you're up for it, let's try praying together again! We've starting sleep training Jonah and we'd love for him to sleep through the night. We believe it can happen. Will you pray for us? 

Of course, we'd also love to pray for you too. If you have any prayer requests, whether it's personal, work related, health related, or whatever, please let us know.

Have an excellent day! 


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