Thursday, March 28, 2019

Being Back in Cali...

Hello, friends!

I've written about "tip day" before. It's the day when I will have lived outside of California for longer than I lived inside California. February 21, 2022 is getting closer and closer but there are still some things about California that will always be with me. As I was back in California, specifically Orange County, where I grew up, I noticed a few things that reminded me that there are some Cali things that will never leave me. In no particular order, here are a few of those things.

Palm trees everywhere isn't weird to me. In fact, you're weird for thinking that palm trees everywhere is weird.

High schools are not meant to be one large building with multiple stories but rather many building connected by a quad to eat lunch outside. You'll never convince me otherwise.

The pollution in the air is what makes for the different colors in the sunset, ergo, it is a positive thing.

Freeways, highways, and interstates are meant to be pronounced with the article "the" in front of them. For example, the 405, the 10, and, the greatest of them all, the 22.

Most professional sports always start on TV at 8 Eastern, which is 5 Pacific. This means that after the game, one can still go out and socialize. This is the best way to do things.

The Pacific Ocean is the superior ocean.

Traffic means you have more time to talk to those in the car with you, thus creating connections you otherwise wouldn't have. OR, it's more time for podcasts, which is also good.

You can take the man out of Cali, but you can't take the Cali out of the man...

Have an excellent day!


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