Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Props to Mid-MO!

Hello, friends!

When I first joined InterVarsity back in 2007 (ah!), I was sent to Columbia, Missouri with a vision and a mission. Our Regional Director at the time took me to breakfast and he told me that if we were going to reach the rest of the state of Missouri, Mizzou was going to have to be the flagship. We had work in St. Louis and were starting work in Kansas City but the rest of the state was empty as far as InterVarsity was concerned. My job was to lay the groundwork and plant the first Mizzou chapter(s) and then spread out from there. It was just a pipe dream at that point but the Mid-MO District was born.

As I got ready to leave CoMO for Omaha, the one thought that continued to nag at me was whether or not I'd done enough to ensure that Mid-MO would survive. We'd hired a few staff and planted a few more chapters but everything felt tenuous. I grappled with the fear that everything I'd spent the past 11 years building would fall once I left town and that I would have failed in my mission.

LORD, forgive me for my pride.

Y'all, Mid-MO is absolutely CRUSHING IT. When I get the updates from Charis, Danny, Sonya, and Solome about the work that they're doing with students and the chapters they are working with, it warms my heart. Why was I worried?! Look at these faces!!! Who wouldn't want to follow these folk?!?!

In all seriousness though, it has been a huge blessing to hear about all the ways that God has continued to move in Mid-MO. From 11 years ago when a punk 22 year old stepped foot on Mizzou's campus for the first time, God has done some amazing work and I know he'll continue to do so. I'm so blessed to have been able to leave Mid-MO in such capable hands. 


Have an excellent day! 


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