Friday, March 25, 2016

Baby Proofing!!!

Hello, friends!

First of all, happy Holy Weekend to you. Whether you're reading this on Good Friday, Holy Saturday (is that the right name for it?), or Easter Sunday, rejoice because He is Risen!!!

Ezra is now 8.5 months and it's been a really big month for him! He's learned to scoot on his butt, army crawl, clap his hands, say "Dada" (he could already say "Mama"), pull himself up, pick up food to put in his mouth, and he's rolling over like a champ. It's amazing how quickly everything developed!

That means that this weekend, Meg and I are going to be baby proofing the house best we can. We have drawers that need to be locked. There are stairwells and cabinets that need to be gated. There is art that needs to be elevated. There are corners that need to be softened. It's going to be a busy weekend.

Our plan is to have a friend watch Ezra tomorrow afternoon so we can knock out as much as possible without one of us having to be watching to make sure he doesn't fling himself off the couch (as he's tried to do on more than one occassion). I'm hoping that 4 hours is enough time to get it all done, but we'll see.

In some ways, I'm really looking forward to our baby proofing. I love projects like this and it'll definitely give me peace of mind to know that we're doing all we can to keep Ezra safe. On the other hand, I'm not super excited about the changes that will be coming to our house. I like having drawers and cabinets that open without me having to push a button or pull a lever or something. Alas, the things we do for love, right?

Friends, please remember to keep our family in your prayers. It's been so much fun watching Ezra grow and develop. It's changed Meg and my lives for the better and we are so thankful that God blessed our family. Here's hoping we can keep him safe long enough for him to start to look out for himself. =0).

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