Tuesday, October 7, 2014

On Conferences, Roles, and Other Things of Interest...

Hello, friends!
I hope this blog finds you well. I have to confess, in the midst of all the craziness that has happened these past few weeks, being diligent in my blogging has not been a strength of mine. I sincerely apologize.
Friends, this is my 8th year working for InterVaristy and I can say with all honesty that this year is the busiest I have ever found myself. Normally, as I enter a new school year, my mind is focused on only one thing: How do we start off the ACF year strong. However, this year, the number of things on my plate and hats I has put me in unknown territory. Here are my roles for this semester:

- Staff for Mizzou Nurses Christian Fellowship. One pleasant surprise from the summer was learning that there was a Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) at Mizzou! At the beginning of the year I was able to connect with the students and faculty who lead the group and am now resourcing them with all the goodies that InterVaristy has to offer. Two students even joined us for Fall Conference!

- Fall Conference Director. Speaking of Fall Conference, this past weekend, 150 students from Columbia and St. Louis came together at Re:Act, Missouri's Fall Conference, to hear the Word, be in community, and reconnect with Jesus. Our speaker was Elizabeth English, whom I affectionately call "La Capitana" from back in the day when she was my supervisor. La Cap taught on Acts 1-2, talking about what it means to hear God's voice and how to then follow Jesus into mission. 18 Mizzou students came for the weekend, and of the 150, one student gave her life to Jesus for the first time and another 7 made re commitments! I had the honor of directing the conference, which meant tons of preparations as my team and I planned each session, seminars, rec time, hospitality, and registration. I'm not saying it was exhausting, I'm just saying that last week I put in close to 70 hours of work.

- Cambodia GP Director: It's hard to fathom that it was over 2 months ago that we returned from Cambodia. Still, it's something that still has an impact in a number of ways, one of which is that the first month of this year (The InterVarsity year starts July 1), I spent time in Cambodia instead of preparing for the school year. You can learn more about my trip by checking out the super blog.

- Supervising Staff. This is the second year I am supervising staff for InterVarsity. There is one full time staff, one intern, and one volunteer who all have different needs, personalities, and growth edges. It is such a pleasure to be able to supervise staff and help then through these first few years of staff life. 

- Fundraiser. Through a combination of events, including Megan moving to Columbia, an increased budget to take into account our new roles as team leaders, and the general craziness that comes from transition, Megan and I find ourselves a bit behind in our fundraising. I do not doubt that God will provide but I know that $20,000 is no small number and I am going to have to put my best foot forward to make sure we are fully funded come the end of the year. 

- Area Leadership Team. A new role that I have this year is as a member of the Area Leadership Team. This role includes shaping the vision and direction of the Area, making sure that we are all moving in the same direction as a movement, and not just a collection of individual campuses. 

- Staff for Mizzou ACF. I intentionally put this last because in many ways it is the role that has suffered the most this year. With so many other responsibilities, the fact of the matter is that I can't devote the same time to ACF that I was once able to devote, nor should I. It has been a hard transition, not spending most every hour of my day thinking about ACF, but I believe it is a necessary one. 

So, friends, please be praying for Megan and me. Pray for our funding. Pray for the students and staff that we are influencing. Pray for rest for us and for good boundaries to be set. Pray that we will be filled with the Spirit as we pour out into others. 

Have an excellent day!


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